the girls of 2B came to drink for my bday wooooohooooo  Nick and Angela drinkin' a few beers at the bar  playin' some dice games, gamblin' our quarters away haha

  2 fine ladies back to work the bar @ the 404!!!  Katie is wearing my hat from halloween, she loves me and she thought the hat would "spice up the evening". haha great stuff  well i guess me and jamie r still friends even though she still owes me a ton of cash... haha oh the memories of Stuart Hall 352

  thats comfirms it, Stuss is the devil  like i told aftan, if i didn't look like a drunken pale chia pet this would have been a great pic, THANKS FOR COMING AFTAN!!    great havin' everyone back to the house for the bday

    Carla got all dressed up for my bday party?? haha maybe not    Jeff spreadin' the love...but watch out for the spankings they hurt    The champ makes an appearance looking fabulous as always