Emily's 21st B-Day

Great party sponsored by the ladies...hey we'll host another party for you guys any time!!


Dave pimpin' it after the Mead Christmas part...now its time to drink some for Emily's b-day   Breakin' out the B-Day JAGERMEISTER!!!!   HAPPY 21st B-DAY EMILY!!!!!   Liz leads the ladies in a group "Elaine" dance as they call it

LIZ!!! LOOK AT THE CAMERA!!! haha   yeah Nick take down that brew    ummmmm...yeah GOOD IDEA LADIES!!!!   WOOOOHHHHOOOO jen and bethany came to the party!!! but where is lisa?? haha

havin' a few drinks to celebrate ladies?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!   yeah we don't want to lie, we were both hammered    haha...liz found the camera this time..thanks for coming u guys it was a lot of fun!!    Emily gettin' a couple hand fulls...haha

the bartenders   NATE AND BILL WERE HERE!!!   Nick and Sarah smokin' it up on the porch...haha    oh lord haha...hey emily i hope u had a great birthday!!!