We here at the 404 would celebrate a rare snow day in no other way but this.

It was the party of the year here...hope u didn't miss it!!

If u look close Jeff is dancing on the back of that flatbed truck  We started the day off right w/ a little bit of flip cup on the front lawn  I lost a round of flip cup so i did a snow angel instead  Dana and Leslie all bundled up for a day of drinking

Nothing but the best for this fine day and in honor of all the white stuff we got a keg from the Great White North   Todd and I workin' the grill...any one for a hot dog???  then random snow fights break out  Jeff pleads his innocence that he did not start anything, yeah riiiight

Jeff explains to Nick and Matt how he got all that snow on himself.....probably from jumping from the top of the bar???  DRINK SOME BEER GIRLS!!!  Our neighbor Laura joins Nick for a few brews  jeff w/ the standard 404 camera pose

This was the night before when we were having a good luck beer @ the snow bar wishing for the day off  ME AND LAURA!!! well i think thats me under that stupid hat HAHA!!  It appears that no one is drunk in this picture..hmmmm well??  Jeff and Nick inside warming up

And we continued into the night...  Matt drinkin' w/ Jeff  Oh its Sarah from 420, that can only mean trouble..haha j/k Sarah  woooohoooo Erin and Liz r still here drinking

...and its gettin' later and we r still drinkin' w/ wack  Celebrating the joys of a snow day  There is Matt joining the 404 in celebration..smoking a cigar  The snow bar in all its night time glory HAHA!!!